I went to the latest “we’re pissed off and we’re not going to take it anymore” anti-cornavirus lock down protest rally on the lawn of the Maryland State House last Friday afternoon and it was like a light suddenly went on in my tired brain. Without any warning, it all made sense.

As I stood there, surrounded by angry, high school-educated, white patriots, waving Trump Signs and American flags, the truth of their words finally hit home and I realized that you don’t have to be some holier than thou college professor or high-falutin medical doctor from the Center for Disease Control to know it all. You just need the Google search engine and some time. And I had both.

So, I spent the whole weekend researching everything I could find out about how COVID-19 came to be, and boy was it a magical mystery tour. The story led me to unsolved conspiracies that have been swirling around since before the time of Christ.

For instance, it’s no coincidence that April was the worst month of the virus. If you go back and look for a pattern of when terrible tragedies take place, you will find they mysteriously happen in April. It’s been that way forever! You think I’m making this shit up? Here’s a short list of recent April disasters: Waco, the Columbine and Virginia Tech massacres, the Oklahoma City and Boston Marathon bombings, the Notre Dame Cathedral fire, and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. If you go back farther in time, you find the sinking of the Titanic, the San Francisco Earthquake, and the Lincoln Assassination. Hell, even CNN did a story about how mid-April is the time when bad shit happens and good people die. Why?

Well, it turns out the Government’s Blood Sacrifice Season is in April and this goes all the way back to Ancient Israel when the Hebrews worshiped rival gods, one of whom was the demon god Baal, which means master or lord. Almighty Baal was a fearsome, bull-headed god with horns, who undoubtedly was the precursor to the devil. He appears throughout the Bible, in Kings, Numbers, Judges, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and on and on. Baal has demanded blood sacrifices on a grand scale every April since the dawn of human existence and we must comply or face demonic retribution far worse than the coronavirus.

So, when you hear skeptics ask, why would every government on earth go along with the COVID pandemic? Baal is your answer.

But the Cult of Baal was just the beginning of this monstrous deal with the devil, and forever over time there had to be some well-hidden group pulling the strings in order to make sure humanity stuck with the sacrificial program. And as Dan Brown so masterfully chronicled in his masterpiece “The Da Vinci Code“, the Illuminati have been steering human history since the 1400s as the Middle Ages was ending and the Renaissance was beginning. Combining Egyptian Hermetism, Christian gnosticism, Jewish Kabbalaalchemy, and a variety of other occult beliefs and practices, these enlightened ones were tasked with ensuring the yearly sacrifices to Baal, starting with the Italian popes and their smallpox plagues really no different than the coronavirus, if you think about it and extending in a clear insidious lineage through the Medici and Rothschild banking dynasties, the Jesuits, and ending with the Freemasons who are running the show today. Look around any city in the world and you will find their shiny white Masonic columns resembling the Washington Monument. In small town America, you will find them, of course, in the cemeteries. Do you think that has happened just by chance? Those are transmitters, folks. It is how they communicate with one another. And they have been running American politics right from the beginning. They even elected our third President, Thomas Jefferson. Just look it up!

But none of this would have happened without the backing of a strong military. And who has the most powerful military on earth? The United States, of course. And that military has been very busy indeed, assisting the Illuminati-Freemasons in controlling the planet, starting with a super top secret base in the wilds of Alaska known as the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. (HFAARP) This mysterious facility sits on 33 acres of land at the top of the earth where no one can even get to, and has over 180 antennas that are actually an experimental weapon that can control people’s minds. Even the prestigious Smithsonian magazine wrote about this ominous threat. (Smithsonian). This is how so many world leaders and their people have bought into the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic so quickly. Through mind control!

The worldwide efforts of the Illuminati-Freemasons are spearheaded out of two off-limits facilities. Command & Control Central is located in the Stanley R. Mickelsen Safeguard Complex in North Dakota. Built during the Cold War as a missile base, the $500 million building is shaped like an unfinished pyramid. It resembles the one on the back of the dollar bill, with a round circle resembling an evil eye, on each side of the structure. This nuclear bomb-proof facility is where our masters will ultimately seek refuge when the shit really hits the fan.

The day-to-day operations of this shadowy, deep state, world government are conducted in plain sight at the Denver International Airport where there are expansive underground bunkers that house the headquarters of the world puppet masters.  (world-controlling group the Illuminati). Mysteries abound at this sprawling airport complex that ended up being $2 billion over budget, like the dedication plaques that claim the airport was built by the “New World Airport Commission“, an entity which doesn’t exist. And then there are the strange murals, depicting children standing by a burning building, a soldier wearing a gas mask, and the devil climbing out of a suitcase. This was the place where the plot to unleash the COVID-19 coronavirus was hatched.

So, when you hear all the scientists and so-called experts belittling you because you think there is something more to COVID-19 than meets the eye something horribly wrong you are right.

And there’s much, much more to this twisted story. It turns out that AI, artificial intelligence, has already figured our how all of the pieces fit together. A recent highly-classified document was leaked from a project at IBM. This study was conducted by Watson you know, the computer that won Jeopardy and the report was posted on Facebook and twitter last weekend for a few short hours before it was quickly removed as part of the on-going conspiracy to hide the true facts about what’s really going on. And you won’t even believe what that secret report revealed.

In my next blog I will share the truth uncovered by Watson regarding the real origin of the novel corona virus that supposedly came out of Wuhan, China. NOT! And I promise you will be absolutely shocked to learn where it really came from. So, tune in for the next installment.

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